• Startbox Laundry

    1st floor-standing power station: simple and elegant

    Startbox EVO Laundry combines simplicity and efficiency. From a
    space-saving, its secure stainless steel box allows the addition of numerous
    payment and options.
    The EVO version is CKSQUARE’s first free-standing power station. It combines design
    simplicity of use.
    The terminal is available on request. Please contact us for Startbox EVO options

  • Centrale TEP – Tactile Recessed Small

    The compact, versatile T.E.P. unit adapts perfectly to a variety of configurations, making it ideal for laundries and student residences. Its innovative touchscreen allows machines to be grouped together for simplified operation, optimizing space without sacrificing the number of machines available.

    Stay connected with remote management:

    • Sales monitoring: Consult your sales in real time and verify transactions for optimal financial management.
    • Remote management: Troubleshoot without leaving your premises, and receive alerts and meter reports directly by email, enabling you to react quickly and efficiently to any incident.

    These features ensure smooth management and an enhanced user experience, boosting the reliability and efficiency of your operations.

  • Linen bin – CK LOCKER LC

    Mini-pressing in your laundry

    Offer an innovative service in your laundromat.

    Your customers can drop off and pick up their laundry outside the normal opening hours of a laundromat or dry cleaner.

    They’re going to come precisely for this reason, whereas he couldn’t have had this service before.

    Several choices are available, depending on your activity. You can only choose to wash and dry, but it is possible to iron and even retouch.

    It is controlled from the CKSQUARE payment center and the CK Laundry application.

    Large lockers provide space for a basket and make organization easier.

    The front design is fully customizable.

  • Stain remover distributor

    Offer your customers an extra service and boost your sales!


    Before washing their clothes, offer your customers the chance to treat stubborn stains directly in your laundry! Each type of stain has its own solution, thanks to the application of specific professional products.


    For a reasonable investment, offer this innovative service and stand out from your competitors!


    Easy to install, this dispenser integrates perfectly with any payment center. It’s child’s play! 😄