• Centrale TAM 8 pouces – Tactile Applique Moyenne


    The T.A.M payment center offers a wide choice of configurations. It combines robustness and ease of operation. Thanks to its 8″ touch screen, the T.A.M. central unit can boost your sales and increase your average basket with commercial proposals.

  • Detergent dispenser products

    Vending machine available 24/7

    The laundry dispenser, which can also distribute products, enables your operation to make additional sales. In addition to a machine, offer the most suitable detergent pod.

    Thanks to its numerous trays, you can dispense without having to recharge the terminal every day.

    It can also be controlled remotely. Check stocks of each product, or hand out a pod in the event of a customer dispute.

  • Stain remover distributor

    Offer your customers an extra service and boost your sales!


    Before washing their clothes, offer your customers the chance to treat stubborn stains directly in your laundry! Each type of stain has its own solution, thanks to the application of specific professional products.


    For a reasonable investment, offer this innovative service and stand out from your competitors!


    Easy to install, this dispenser integrates perfectly with any payment center. It’s child’s play! 😄

  • Linen bin – CK LOCKER LC

    Mini-pressing in your laundry

    Offer an innovative service in your laundromat.

    Your customers can drop off and pick up their laundry outside the normal opening hours of a laundromat or dry cleaner.

    They’re going to come precisely for this reason, whereas he couldn’t have had this service before.

    Several choices are available, depending on your activity. You can only choose to wash and dry, but it is possible to iron and even retouch.

    It is controlled from the CKSQUARE payment center and the CK Laundry application.

    Large lockers provide space for a basket and make organization easier.

    The front design is fully customizable.